Thursday, September 22, 2005


I left my cellphone at home this morning. Luckily for me, my sunshine took pity on me and drove to my office to drop it off for me.

My boss called in, his partner hollered out that he wanted to talk to him once I was done. I finished my conversation with him and told his partner he was on line two. He hollered back, okay thanks.

I got another call - from my sunshine to say he found my erstwhile cell phone - and never double checked to make sure the line was picked up.

Apparently my boss was left hanging there indefinately and finally hung up.

Also apparently one of his pet peeves.

He said his partner knows better, but I also should have kept on top of the blinking line on my phone.

Then he got a call and while I normally ask what the call is in regards to, I didn't this time. God knows why - I just didn't.

So now he's upset - understandably so - because he has a message from somone he doesn't know and he got left hanging on the phone for however long.

Its like I can't do this job - the stupid simple tasks - when its so slow. My brain just won't function right. I forget the basic etiquette of being an assistant. This is especially bad as I feel like I'm on probation - waiting for my boss to decide what he's doing with me - these minor fuck-ups might be the make or break for my longevity with this guy.

So why can't I get things right?

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