Back from our second & final hiatus. I actually got some time off for a pleasant change. Granted I ended up working from home, but better to be at home than having to commute and work outta the office.
My new apartment needs some major help. It'll be all good as I used to say way back when - just gonna take a bit longer to get there.
Still working on my script - I haven't actually looked at it in about two weeks. I've hit the proverbial hump. I have my story lines all planned out - however executing them is proving exceedingly difficult. I had a friend in the office read it who's been giving me some pointers and a writer friend who said she couldn't see the story lines or arcs. A very bad sign indeed.
The writer on the show said he won't have time to read anything till we wrap so I still have some time to pull it together.
Let's hope inspiration slaps me upside the head so I can not only finish but have it make sense.