Thanks to all the visitors who took the time to read my story. I haven't written fiction in quite some time and I hope this story provides enough impetus to allow me to finish some other pieces I have at home.
The tv show stopped filming on Friday. We're on a short hiatus. The crew gets time off on these hiatuses - I however don't get to reap this benefit. This is because while we aren't filming anything right now, we are still prepping the next block of episodes. They start filming next Wednesday.
The movie finished filming on Friday - wrap should take a couple of weeks at least. I missed the wrap party and heard mixed reviews on how awesome or horrible it went. Not having been on set, I didn't have an overwhelming urge to trek in and sit watching people I don't know have fun. I'm a bit of a wall flower and don't mingle well with strangers.
My ideal nite is spending time with my sunshine home and in bed - doing unspeakable things to each other and having loads of fun for free - no stress, some muss, but definately no fuss.
As to my ongoing saga of "Will I Ever Make It Back To Set?" - I haven't the foggiest of notions. I probably won't know until Tuesday nite when my boss says as he's leaving - "Oh yea, and be on set tomorrow at 7A." If only I'm so lucky!