The tv show is officially in pre-production and I'm officially off the movie's payroll.
While the majority of my work is still for the movie, my boss plans to move me over to the tv show full time once scripts start coming in and the start of filming gets closer.
He is considering the idea of my working both projects simultaneously which would mean an increase in my salary for about two and a half months, but I don't know if or how that will work out.
I'll be sad if I don't end up continuing with the movie. Its probably petty, but I was hoping to get a credit. That and I've never worked a feature film before. I was looking forward to the experience.
In the meantime, doing what little work I have each day has been difficult the last two weeks. Major drama on the parental unit front involving the sizable PLUS loan they took out for my education at NYU and some false documents my father refuses to admit he created in the face of indisputable evidence. Couple that with his continuous threats of Sallie Mae coming after my ass if he defaults - which are so not true Sallie Mae sent me something in writing to prove it - and its just been an ugly ugly mess.
Its somewhat resolved, but I don't think the bitter end will happen for some time to come.
It also made crystal clear to me that they don't support what I do for a living. I was told I need to stop "playing games", get a job with benefits and security and become an adult.
Gee mom & dad, you mean all six years of slaving in this industry were nothing but fun and games and I never knew it!?!
How silly of me.