Thursday, November 08, 2007

Here's the lowdown on what's gone on since April:

The crazy pilot I mentioned in my last post got picked up for eight episodes. The series portion was just as insane as the pilot but spread out over about five months - more than five hours sleep was a rare thing during that time. We managed to crank out five episodes before various factors shut us down - about a week BEFORE the writer's strike. My last work day, for at least two months, is tomorrow. Post production will continue on till probably December. The three scripts we still owe the network ain't gonna be written - not only because of the strike but also because the show is barely holding it together on the stilts it calls legs. Even if the strike didn't happen - it seemed unlikely the scripts we owed, were they to be written, would ever get filmed. Our newly announced timeslot is just another coat of pink paint on the rotting dead elephant everyone's ignoring.

The second pilot I worked on was sadly not picked up by the network. I think the creators are still hoping to breathe some life back into it at some point but as always that's a crap shoot.

The tv series I worked on suffered thru a difficult season. It was a hard ride for all involved - including the viewers - and we were all grateful to get off as fast as we could when filming wrapped. It was only recently picked up for another season and normally we'd all be back at work in a couple months but that's all dependent on when the strike ends now.

One of the movies I worked on came out in theaters and has been getting great reviews. That was definitely a highlight this year - having a movie all of the crew can be extremely proud to have worked on premiere AND getting to see my name in the credits for the first time ever.

The same group of people from that movie may have another project starting in January but we're waiting on that all important "official green light" to happen. If I'm lucky, I may have my choice of two jobs - movie or tv show.

On the writing front - I handed off that spec. Of the four important decision making people I gave it to - only two of them have read it. Those two both liked it - one suggesting I also do an original pilot as well. Something I plan to work on during my time off. Of the other two - one has a legitimate excuse for not reading it - he works like a dog and rarely has time to sleep let alone read my spec. The other though is just plain lazy and quite honestly pissing me off. He's been outta work since the tv series finished for the season and his excuses are getting lamer by the day. The latest was that it was just too soon to get his head back into the show and read my script. I'm disappointed and a little disgruntled.

Right now I'm working my way through the various temp agencies trying to find something to keep things afloat during my "vacation from the biz" and so that I can properly enjoy my favorite time of year. It's looking rather bleak though - the pay rate at most of these places is so low I'd end up spending more traveling to work and paying for someone to watch my dogs than I would earn at the actual job. Seems it may be cheaper to stay at home and make the best of unemployment for a while.....