Tuesday, July 11, 2006

So much for my own office.

Boss man popped in unannounced today. First time he's been in the office and off set in at least a month - maybe longer.

Didn't know I'd been moved. Silly me, I thought he'd been part of the decision to put me here.

And said they may need to move me - again. Probably back to where I was previously residing I would imagine.


Plus I FINALLY got my head outta my ass and started working on my spec script again today - only to be interupted umpteen million times by co-workers and my boss man's sudden appearance.

We start filming our final block of episodes next week.

After that I'll get about a month of wrap time.

It seems like all the chips are falling into place for another movie to start up once we wrap the tv show. Let's hope I'm working on that too.

Which of the five/six feature scripts I have is the one that'll be filmed - I'm not sure. I have an educated guess at best.

Been a bit busier at work - but still fairly slow. I find myself nodding off more often than doing work - basically because I lack any work to do. Which is why after talking to a friend - I slapped myself upside the head and took my script out to work on.

Get it done - she said. Write it out and even if it sucks - at least its written and can always be tweaked.

My apartment is almost done. Have to paint one more room and hang up some shelves and then TADA - it'll be done.

However in the meantime I need to find a way to torture my cat. She decided my new beautiful leather couch was her new scratching post and even with a thick ugly couch cover over it and trimmed nails - has still continued to cause marks to appear.

Of course she never does this while I am home.

I got some anti-scratching spray called Feliway which I hope will help.

I did the mature thing and upon seeing the damage promply burst into tears.

My little dog rushed over to comfort me when he saw me curled up on the floor in front of my previously pretty couch sobbing my eyes out.

Ahh life.