I'm enjoying the silence at work while I can.
Boss man has about four projects brewing at the moment.
The Feature which starts filming in Jan. We are in the beginning stages of pre-production right now. I'm not sure of my exact function yet - although I was told to up my cellphone plan as I will be using it non-stop.
The TV Show which starts pre-production in January - filming in February. The staff writer I was assisting is becoming a writer/producer. This may require the hiring of a new staff writer and their own dedicated assistant instead of me. I personally hope they don't hire their own assistant as the majority of my work on the show was work for the staff writer.
The Re-Make which shoots primarily in Asia but will have a small bit shot in our area. The producer on this feature wanted my boss to work on this as well, but he has too many kettles on the stove to take it on. So he's voluntered my services to assist in any way possible. Lucky me. Especially as I don't get paid extra for the work. Boss man wants to stay on this producer's good side so he can work on this guy's next feature which will shoot exclusively around here next Fall.
The long-form commercial. I know little about this project other than it starts filming around the same time as the Feature.
So come January I should be the proverbial chicken without a head.